How a Digital Check-up Can Boost Sales
Just as brands conduct audits of their inventory, employees, and budgets on an often annual basis, it’s important to take a look at your digital assets – specifically your website, your social media channels, your blog and your search engine rankings.
Most people don’t look forward to audits. Just the sound of the word ‘audit’ makes my skin crawl. I love mail but getting a letter from the IRS is not exactly welcome mail.
Truth is not all audits are bad.
A social media audit, or digital assessment as I like to call it, is the process of reviewing your complete online presence to find out what’s working, what’s not and uncovering opportunities for improvement across all your social media channels and as well as your website.
How are your social media platforms performing?
Why spend time on a social media network if your posts aren’t engaging and resonating with your followers. Guarantee you won’t succeed. By auditing your content, you’ll learn which posts had the biggest impact and which ones heard ‘crickets’.
What’s SEO got to do with it?
Bet you’ve heard from many “SEO” companies how they will get you on page one of Google search. RUN, don’t walk as fast as you can.
That’s a catch phrase for Black Hat SEO tactics that are sure to get your website on Google’s most unwanted list. Instead, you can learn how Google’s algorithm rewards highly relevant, informative and engaging websites by showing them in search results.
But of course, it’s not that simple. It never is.
There are certain things you need to have in perfect working order like your meta tags & descriptions, a good amount of credible websites linking back to your website, regularly updated content, and so online. In fact there is a long list of things that Google uses in its ranking. But it’s a secret and once someone figures it out, they update the algorithm.
Are there vulnerabilities in your digital network?
So far I have conducted a dozen or more of these reports and the findings are astonishing. Many companies were unaware they had that kind of exposure to hackers or internet trolls. Wasn’t that IT guy supposed to handle that?
Crickets or Crowds?
Why are you wasting time on a platform if it isn’t producing any results. Or worse yet, why are you on a social media channel where your customers are NOT? No matter how popular the latest XYZ channel may get, it doesn’t mean anything if your audience isn’t there.
- When was the last time you took a good look at every social media profile you have?
- Do you know how well your brand is performing online?
- Are you missing out on opportunities to be found by prospective customers?
- Did you create a blog eight years ago but forgot about it? What about those duplicate and dormant Google Plus accounts you didn’t realize you had?
- Do you have an old Twitter account floating around with 2 followers, and one of them is your mom?
What comes up in an online assessment will surprise you.
Imagine if your prospective customer finds an old or misrepresented online post about your company. Embarrassing to say the least!
Sure, you can do this yourself. Think about it this way. You probably wouldn’t hire a plumber to do your tax return, right? So you might not want to leave your digital reputation in the hands of an amateur.
Curious as to what’s involved in my digital assessments? Take a look at this sample report. It’s quite comprehensive. No stones left unturned. This is the stuff you need to know and you need to fix. It’s also very insightful to know how you stack up against your competitors.
Connect with me here on LinkedIn and ask how you can have one of these intensive reviews created specifically for your brand.
Don’t leave money on the table!
Get your digital assets in order today.