Be the Master of Your LinkedIn Data in 5 Easy Steps
A shocking discovery from a survey of 220 LinkedIn training participants in my workshops revealed that nearly two-thirds of them have never downloaded THEIR LinkedIn data.
Most LinkedIn users have spent quite a bit of time and effort building their network. Yet if the platform went away, changed the rules, or worse yet, you got suspended, all your hard work and valuable network would be GONE! Poof.
Things Change Fast
In a world driven by data, it's constantly changing.
If you’re like many LinkedIn users, you are probably overlooking diamonds in the rough in your data. Mining your data can give you a leading edge, especially when it comes to your LinkedIn database.
Job Switching at Epic Levels
According to this Pew Research Center report, overall, 2.5% of workers – about 4 million – switched jobs on average each month from January to March 2022.
This share translates into an annual turnover of 30% of workers – nearly 50 million – ifit is assumed that no workers change jobs more than once a year.
It is higher than in 2021, when 2.3% of workers switched employers each month, on average.
About a third (34%) of workers who left a job from January to March 2022 – either voluntarily or involuntarily – were with a new employer the following month.
Why Should This Matter to You?
So when you first connected with Andy two years ago, he was at ABC company. Andy now works at XYZ company in a role that matches your ideal prospect. You wouldn’t know this unless you review your data.
Your next big deal or profitable relationship may be hiding in the data that you already have in your account.
Mining (And Mastering) Your LinkedIn Data
It is critical to remember that LinkedIn is effectively rented space. Any number of things can compromise your access, including:
🛑 Changes in privacy and data sharing such as GDPR and CCPA
🛑 Restrictions on your account, which can happen even when you do nothing wrong
🛑 Phishing, malware, and attacks from hackers
🛑 Platform changes, enhancements, and upgrades
Even though the platform doesn’t belong to you, the connections, relationships, and history you have with people do. When you take the time to download your data, you are back in the driver’s seat and can make the most of this information.
Utilizing LinkedIn Data For Business Opportunities
The first step is to follow LinkedIn’s instructions for downloading your data. Once you have the full archive zip file, you will see many different CSV files helping to categorize and organize your data. Here's a video tutorial on how to get your data.
How To Download Your Data
From here, you can start putting this data to work for you.
1. Sorting Your Connections
This is probably the most important section of your data. When I onboard my clients, this step often yields uncovered business opportunities. We start by importing the CSV download into a spreadsheet to allow us to sort the data in various ways.
Start with sorting by company, then create a filter to highlight the most relevant positions.
For instance, if you work with CFOs, filter the position column for that title. You can also add additional data points to your spreadsheet by viewing their profiles for industry, location, follower count, activity level, and more.
2. Analyzing Connections For Opportunities
Once you have collected, filtered, and organized your data, you can implement a re-engagement strategy with your connections. After all, what’s the point of collecting connections with no further communication?
Here are some re-engagement strategies to activate your network
✅ Reengage with your connections who have changed jobs or locations.
✅ Reach out to connections with whom you connected but never engaged.
✅ Ask for and offer to make introductions to your connections.
✅ Move your engaged connections to a CRM for nurturing follow-up.
3. Reviewing Messages For Leads
Your messages CSV file can also yield hidden opportunities. This file has all the correspondence, both sent and received, from your LinkedIn inbox with your first-level connections. Try this:
🔎 Search your messages to find requests that were missed.
🔎 Search by keywords to find specific discussions.
🔎 Search by sent or received connection names.
🔎 Identify dropped conversations for follow-up.
4. Targeting Your Efforts
After seeing all your information in one place, you may realize that the companies you are following are not relevant anymore. Unfollow connections and companies no longer relevant in order to focus your time on the relationships that matter to you. Streamlining your newsfeed to your preferences will make your overall experience more productive.
Keep in mind that it’s better to unfollow rather than remove a connection. When you unfollow, their activity will no longer show in your newsfeed, but you will still maintain second-degree proximity in your network.
Leveraging Data Beyond Your LinkedIn Connections
Your connections are only the first step. There are many more ways you can put your data to work for you and your business.
1. Build Your Credibility
Make use of the “Recommendations Given” CSV by adding them to your website and other marketing platforms to build your credibility. The last thing you want is to lose this valuable social proof because of a change to your LinkedIn account.
2. Rich Media Inventory
Your “Rich Media” CSV files are a virtual catalog of all the photos, articles, videos and documents you’ve shared on LinkedIn. Viewing this may help you discover ideas to build on for your content or other marketing strategies. Sometimes we spend a lot of time reinventing the wheel when the answers are right under our noses.
3. Permitted Services
Do you remember all the apps that you have given LinkedIn permissions to? Most of us don’t. Your data is a good single spot to check in on your account and clean up any permissions that are no longer relevant or helpful. On the flip side, you may realize that you have tools you forget to use or take advantage of on LinkedIn.
4. Active Sessions
One way to prevent losing your account is by keeping track of your logins and active sessions. It can help you identify if you have been hacked or if you have sessions open on devices that may be vulnerable.
Bottom Line
Take the time to download your data on a regular basis, whenever your network has grown, before making major changes to your profile, or when you find that many of your connections may have changed jobs, roles or locations.
Your data is one of the most valuable assets in your business. You may be sitting on a gold mine without even realizing it.
Implement this process and you will see results:
• Download your complete LinkedIn database
• Analyze your data so you can leverage that information
• Look for opportunities to reengage your network
• Be a resource to your connections by engaging with them
• Utilize your data to build your credibility and discover opportunities
Abound Social Episode #127 featuring Judi Hays
Judi was a guest presenter on Abound Social Episode #127. You can view her presentation here:
© 2024 Judi Hays. All Rights Reserved
Parts of this article are excerpted from the book Elevate Expand Engage
Judi Radice Hays is a sought-after certified LinkedIn strategist, author of 'Elevate, Expand, Engage,' a Refreshingly Different Approach to Winning on LinkedIn’ and regular Forbes contributor.
Judi is known for successfully turning underperforming LinkedIn profiles into prospect-attracting powerhouses. Judi helps business executives identify their audience, elevate their LinkedIn profile and personal brand.
Judi consults with businesses that sell high-ticket professional services in high-trust selling environments. Through her proprietary methods, Judi guides her clients strategy to build authority, credibility, and trust which ultimately leads to increased revenue with her expertise.
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